August 23, 2024

The World Underestimated India. Big Mistake.

by Team Oister

Seventy-eight years back, on this very day, a speech echoed in the Old Parliament House, delivered by our nation’s first Prime Minister.

Seventy-eight years back, on this very day, at the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world slept, India awoke to life and freedom.

In that moment, a nation long suppressed by colonial chains was reborn, its spirit unshackled, its people free to dream and create a destiny of their own making.


As the world watched, many dismissed us as a naive country, a fledgling state with little hope of standing tall among the giants of the modern world. Yet, little did they know the ancient fire that has stoked our spirits for centuries. India, the land of sages and scholars, of warriors and philosophers, has always been more than a mere geographical entity. Our minds have forever been independent, running with mighty ideas that could rewrite knowledge, histories, and even economies. Aryabhatta’s invention — the mighty śūnya, the zero—revolutionized the field of mathematics, altering the very course of human thought. Nalanda University, one of the world’s oldest and greatest centers of learning, housed knowledge so priceless that its ruins still resonate with the echoes of forgotten wisdom.

15th March 1959: A warm summer day with the sun shining brightly in a cloudless sky. In the bustling area of Girgaum, South Bombay, a group of seven women gathered on the terrace of an old residential building. Amidst the daily grind of domestic chores, they started a small, inconspicuous function. The result of that gathering? Four packets of papads and an unwavering determination to keep going. They had no money, starting on a borrowed sum of Rs. 80. But what they had was faith, patience, and an unyielding determination to succeed. This was the birth of Lijjat Papad, a company that would grow into a 1600-crore empire, a beacon of women’s empowerment, and a symbol of what collective effort and entrepreneurial spirit can achieve.

This is the legacy of “Make In India” long before it became modern India’s mission.


Our history is not merely a past to be revered, but a foundation upon which our present and future stand firm. Today, we are the fifth-largest economy in the world, racing toward becoming the third-largest by 2027.

But what makes this national growth possible? What fuels this relentless march towards progress? The answer lies in the entrepreneurial zeal that India has shown since ancient times. Our economy has flourished under trade, and now it flourishes under businesses—not just those that adhere to the tried and tested, but those that dare to evolve with evolving technologies, those that challenge the norms and create new paradigms.

The journey of Lijjat Papad is a tale of resilience, unity, and the indomitable spirit of Indian women. Today, the Indian snacks market, which was worth Rs 42,694.9 crore in 2023, is projected to nearly double by 2032, fueled by companies like Open Secret, Snackible, The Whole Truth, and many more that follow in Lijjat’s footsteps. This market is a testament to India’s ability to innovate within its traditions and to turn humble beginnings into vast enterprises that shape the lives of millions.

And then there’s the story of VICCO, the company that made Ayurveda mainstream! It started in a small ration shop in Nagpur, driven by a vision to craft a chemical-free teeth-cleaning powder. From door-to-door selling of toothpowder, VICCO grew into a Rs 700-crore ‘Sampoorna Swadeshi’ brand, dominating the personal hygiene and healthcare industry with products like Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream and Vajradanti toothpaste. In the 80s and 90s, VICCO was a household name, its jingle etched in the minds of generations. However, in the past, entrepreneurs relied heavily on loans, asset pledges, and reinvested profits to grow their companies at a measured pace due to limited formal funding options. Today’s India offers a supportive ecosystem with investors ready to fuel businesses on their growth journey. Modern companies like Nat Habit, Foxtale, Plum, and Perfora owe their existence to VICCO’s pioneering vision, and the support they’ve received from the investor ecosystem.

Gold, synonymous with progress and prosperity, also tells a story of entrepreneurial legacy. Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri, one of the most revered names in Indian jewelry, started in 1864 with a commitment to offer uncompromising quality and craftsmanship. As India’s economy grew, so did the needs of its people. The rise of e-commerce created a demand for online jewelry destinations, leading to the success of companies like Bluestone and GIVA, which cater to a new generation of Indians seeking convenience without sacrificing tradition.

India has emerged as a powerhouse of innovation. Our private markets are fertile ground for promising startups, nurturing them into public market giants like Zomato, Nykaa, and Policybazaar. Now, the next generation of champions is poised for takeoff.

These are not fragile newcomers, but seasoned businesses on the cusp of greatness. They’ve weathered challenges, honed their offerings, and built loyal customer bases. They’re the underdogs about to become household names.

This surge is being propelled by a potent force: the Indian VC/PE industry. Domestic capital, including high-net-worth individuals, is pouring in, fueling this growth. VC/PE firms are the catalysts, transforming early-stage ideas into market behemoths.

Imagine being part of Lijjat, a successful venture that generated a phenomenal return on investment. What if you could have invested in Zomato right before its public debut and reaped substantial rewards rather than missing out entirely?

The market offers second chances to those who seize them.

Secondary investments are the golden ticket to the pre-IPO arena – made up of winners, for winners. Instead of getting a stake on a long shot, investors can back a horse that’s already crossed the finish line once. This means that the wealth generated isn’t confined to a select few. It’s trickling down, empowering those who’ve played a crucial role in building these companies. It’s an abundant spread of wealth, a reflection of India’s inclusive growth story.

Here’s what this means for you, India: We all have the choice to participate in this phenomenal growth story. With the increasing prominence of the secondary market, we can all be part of India’s innovation engine, at every stage. As we stand on the cusp of becoming an imminent superpower, the story of India’s rise is, at its core, a story of our entrepreneurial zeal. It is the spirit of innovation that has been with us since the dawn of civilization, the same spirit that fuels our economy today. From the papads of Lijjat to the tooth powder of VICCO, from the jewelry of Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri to the startups of today, each step forward is a tribute to our ancestors who dared to dream, and to every Indian who continues to dream of a better tomorrow.

India, young yet ancient, modern yet timeless, continues to awaken to new possibilities. Our journey from a newly independent nation to an economic powerhouse has just begun. It is a journey fueled by the entrepreneurial spirit that defines us, a spirit that will guide us as we stride confidently into the future.

Jai Hind!


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